
Manifest is the entrypoint for the server. File manifest.json is required for each lambda.

Minimal manifest looks like

  "run": ["/bin/sh","./"]

where /bin/sh is runner and ./ is argument for it.

Example: for python with virtualenv with main script it will look like:

  "run": ["./venv/bin/python", ""]

Supported parameters


  • name (optional, string): information field, a caption that will displayed in UI
  • description (optional, string): information field, markdown based description, displayed in UI in overview
  • run (required, array of string): command and arguments that will be executed (shell specific operations like pipes are not allowed)
  • output_headers (optional, map of strings): output headers and values - key is header name, value is header value
  • input_headers (optional, map of strings): input headers mapping, where key is header name and value is environment variable name to be fulfilled
  • query (optional, map of strings): query (or form) mapping, where key is query parameter name and value is environment variable name to be fulfilled
  • environment (optional, map of strings): environment variables that will be added to the lambda
  • method (optional, string): allow requests only for specified HTTP method (POST, GET, etc…, but OPTIONS is not allowed)
  • method_env (optional, string): map request path to specified environment variable
  • time_limit (optional, time string): limit maximum execution time for the lambda.
  • maximumPayload (optional, number): limit incoming request size in bytes
  • cron (option, array of Cron): scheduled actions
  • static (optional, string): path to directory inside lambda to serve static files; if defined the GET and HEAD methods will not be available for handler


  • cron (required, string): cron tab expression (with seconds), see scheduler doc
  • action (required, string): target in Makefile to invoke, see actions doc
  • time_limit (optional, time string): limit maximum execution time for the action

Time string

Uses Go time.Duration: string with suffixes:

  • ns - nano seconds
  • us - micro seconds
  • ms - millisecond
  • s - seconds
  • m - minutes
  • h - hours

Example: 1h30m25s, 15s

Migration notice


  • aliases (optional, array of string): aliases/links for the lambda, useful to make permanent URL, see aliases doc

Since 0.3.3 field aliases moved to platform level. Migration from 0.3.x (x < 3) to 0.3.3 version should be done automatically after a restart.


  • allowed_ip (optional, array of string): allow requests only from IP defined in the list
  • allowed_origin (optional, array of string): allow requests only with Origin header value the list
  • tokens (optional, array of string): allow requests only with Authorization header value the list; applicable only if public: false
  • public (optional, boolean): if false, check all requests against tokens

Since 0.3.5 fields allowed_ip, allowed_origin, tokens, public moved to policies. Migration from 0.3.x (x < 5) to 0.3.5 version should be done automatically after a restart.